CRank: 5Score: 21290

Drake is a bada$$! i will be in gaming heaven while playing this game.
Thank you Naughty dog and PS3.

6221d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why would paramount drop blu-ray when the titles they have released for both have been selling better on blu-ray.
p.s. dreamworks has yet to release a title for either format so BDA didn't lose much when dreamworks "jumped" ship.

6222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm sorry, i'm looking forward to HALO3 but to say it's the best FPS ever is a bit of a stretch.

6222d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

what a misleading title, they take advantage of what ps3 has to offer is what the dev says, not that they pushed ps3 to its limits.

6223d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't forget, he's got an 11" cóçk when semi hard. LOL, don't believe me? check out his myspace page. the dude is hilarious!!!!!!

6223d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

how does EliteGamer have so many bubbles. He's one of the worst fanboys around.
another one added to the ever growing ignore list.

6223d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

well, HD-DVD hung in tough with just universal, to say blu-ray wouldn't be able to hang in is a bit fanboyish.

6223d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

why do people buy movies when they can rent them? if the movie is great, you buy it because you feel it's worth the money. even if you only watch it once or twice. wanting to own a great game does not make me a fanboy. and all the stuff you list about bioshock, i could turn around and tell you, well i've beat most of the guys using heavy stance, i want to beat them using aerial combos and light stance. besides, some reviewers have already said the game i action packed and it rarely ever stops...

6223d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

heavenly sword is unique and unlike any of the games you mentioned. you forget ps3 owners could give a rats a$$ about halo 3, especially since they'll have UT3/HAZE to keep their FPS needs satisfied. If anything, Heavenly Sword is a breath of fresh air considering most of the big titles coming out are shooters.

6223d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 wii PS3:
how does bioshock have tons of replay value? because of the alternate ending? once you beat it twice, you will probably never play the game again, it's got no multiplayer, i hardly call that tons of replay value.
and how do you know HS has no "replay" value, have you played the final version? It could have an alternate ending just like bioshock which will make you want to beat the game again.

6223d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

segasage, ps3 has plenty of games, don't fool yourself.

6223d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for this game, only a few more days!

6223d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's called hypocrecy! look how many bots ran out to buy stranglehold. the game has been confirmed as beeing 5-7 hours long, but they're willing to overlook a short game if it's on 360, but god forbid a ps3 exclusive is 8 hrs long, we'll never hear the end of it.
also, since when are high 8s and 9s bad scores?

6224d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

gnothe1, the problem is on the other thread fanboys were arguing over the scores 8.8 for ps3 vs 9.0 for 360, these images contradict the reason this game got a lower score for ps3.

beardtm: we all believe what we want, the games will be out soon enough that we will be able to compare for ourselves.

6225d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

just like POG comparing VF5 for 360 vs ps3 and he posted some busted up VF5 pics which supposedly represent the ps3 version. HAHAHA.
from this point on, i'll take IGNs reviews with a grain of salt, based on this review, DIRT's and PREY's (pc vs 360) they just don't like to give 360 lower scores.
I just want want honest reviews damnit, i'm sick and tired of biased site that favor one platform over the other. That goes for ps3 or 360.

6225d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

xbots will always find something that isn't up to their "high" standards. The fact that this game is only 800mb and it's more fun than anything out on 360 right should make xbots embarassed.

6225d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

IGN is funny, i've been playing prey on 360 for the past few days. I went to IGN to compare the score to the pc version, and while pc had better graphics(DUH!) both received the same score.

bladestar, achievements are a bonus but should not count towards the final review.

6225d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

welcome uh_what! you're the newest member of my ignore list.

6225d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope this game is good since it will be my first Halo, but if it doesn't get 9s/10s across the board, a lot of you guys are going to be eating crow! HAHAHA. don't get your panties in a bunch girls, it's just a game.

6225d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm pretty sure this game does not want to compete with heavenly sword, therefore they pushed back it 1 week.
as far as the score, big whoop .2 is nothing.

6226d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment